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Found 23 results.

Rheology of glucose syrup from the Tectonic Modelling Lab (TecLab) of the University of Bern (CH)


Ring-shear test data of feldspar sand from the CNR-IGG Tectonic Modelling Laboratory at the University of Florence (Italy)


Ring-shear test data of quartz sand – silicate cenospheres mixtures used for analogue experiments at the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague


Ring shear test data of glass beads 40-70 µm used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam


Ring shear test data of glass beads 300-400 µm used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam


Ring shear test data of glass beads 70-110 µm used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam


Ring-shear test data of wheat flour used for analogue experiments in the laboratory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague


Ring shear test data of iron powder – quartz sand mixture: a new marker material for analog modelling in a CT scanner at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) (EPOS TNA call 2017)


Rheology of viscous materials from the CNR-IGG Tectonic Modelling Laboratory at the University of Florence (Italy)


Ring Shear and Slide-Hold-Slide Test Measurements for Soda-Lime Glassbeads of 300-400µm diameter used at the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling, Potsdam, Germany


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