Das Projekt "Estimation of willingness-to-pay to reduce risks of exposure to heavy metals and cost-benefit analysis for reducing heavy metals occurence in Europe (ESPREME)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. Heavy metals from different sources accumulate in the environment. From a policy point of view, it has been difficult to tackle the environmental problems due to heavy metals partly because the problem has been viewed from different policy domains (air, water, soils etc.). Thus, it is not guaranteed that the policy mix applied under environmental regulation is optimal. A systems analysis would be required to define the sources of heavy metals, how they are dispersed in the environment and which adverse effects they might cause on human and ecosystems health. From a policy point of view, it is also important to identify what kinds of policy responses would be most cost-effective to reduce the impacts of heavy metals. Such information is required for carrying out cost-benefit analyses of reducing the occurrence of heavy metals in our society. Identifying the benefits would include a monetary valuation of the impacts with contingent valuation (CV) approaches (e.g. assessing the willingness-to-pay, WTP). The focus of the work described will be on priority metals, which are mercury, cadmium, chrome, nickel, arsenic and lead. Core aim of the research is to carry out cost effectiveness (CEA) and cost-benefit analyses (CBA) for reducing the heavy metals occurrence, in the EU Member States and candidate countries, including damage assessment to the environment and human health in the long term following the impact pathway analysis which assesses the impacts and damages of pollutants from their emissions over their dispersion to exposure and impacts. Finally, a feasibility study will be conducted to identify the potentials, strengths and weaknesses and uncertainties of currently available macro-economic models to identify further research needs in this field.
Das Projekt "Ensuring Health and Food Safety from Rapidly Expanding Wastewater Irrigation in South Asia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie, Professur für Physische Geographie durchgeführt. Identification the risks and benefits associated with the use of untreated wastewater in urban and peri-urban fodder and vegetable cropping systems in India and Pakistan, with a particular focus on livelihoods, livestock and food safety. The project activities are in Hyderabad (India) and Faisalabad (Pakistan). Main task is the creation of a project GIS database and field mapping.
Das Projekt "Integrated Health, Social and Economic Impacts of Extreme Events: Evidence, Methods and Tools (MICRODIS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von evaplan GmbH durchgeführt. Recent events such as the Pakistan earthquake, Hurricane Katrina, the Indian Ocean tsunami and the European heat waves of 2003 reveal the vulnerability of societies to extreme events. The goal of this project is to strengthen prevention, mitigation and preparedness strategies in order to reduce the health, social and economic impacts of extreme events on communities. The objectives of the MICRODIS project are to strengthen the scientific and empirical foundation on the relationship between extreme events and their impacts; to develop and integrate knowledge, concepts, methods and databases towards a common global approach and to improve human resources and coping capacity in Asia and Europe through training and knowledge sharing. This integrated project involves 19 partners from Asia and Europe, including research, policy and ground roots institutions. The outputs will include an evidence-base on impacts, field methodologies and tools for data compilation, impact models, and integrated vulnerability assessments. It will also strengthen standardised data collection of extreme events and their impacts at local, regional and global levels. Prime Contractor: Université Catholique de Louvain; Louvain-la-neuve; Belgium.
Das Projekt "Development of macro and sectoral economic models aiming to evaluate the role of public health externalities on society (DROPS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. The project aims to provide a full-chain analysis related to impact of health protection measures related to priority pollutants as identified by the Environment and Health Action Plan (EHAP), to support the development of cost effective policy measures against pollution related diseases and their wider impacts. The project will achieve this through extending and further developing existing methodologies, models and data to provide an impact-pathway-based model for evaluation of the role of public health externalities on society. The model will be made operational for the selected compounds. Specifically, the objectives are related to the following pollutants: ozone, heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, lead), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and indoor air pollution. Since a number of these compounds is carried on particles, PM may be used for some analyses. Main deliverables from the project will include evaluation of a number of emission scenarios using a cost-benefit analysis and incorporating macro-economic modelling. A coherent set of methodologies covering the indicated priority pollutants will be developed and applied in this evolution. The project objectives will be achieved in 7 work packages. WP 1 will extend current policy-relevant emission scenarios to cover all the targeted pollutants or pollution situations, and will provide data on costs of measures. WPs 2 and 3 will review latest research and incorporate information on dose/exposure/concentration - response relationships for health and non-health benefit endpoints of the targeted pollutants. They will also provide monetary valuation data. Based on WPs 1-3 and on macroeconomic analyses done in WP6, WP 4 will develop an integrated tool for the cost benefit assessment, which will be implemented in WP5. WP5 will also expand datasets created in WPs 1-3 and 6 with environmental information, to provide coherent input into the modelling. Prime Contractor: Norsk institutt for Luftforskning; Kjeller; Norway.
Das Projekt "Potentials and constraints of the link of agriculture and ecological sanitation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. By 2020, the number of people living in developing countries will grow from 4.9 billion to 6.8 billion. Ninety percent of this increase will be in rapidly expanding cities and towns. More than half the population of Africa and Asia will live in urban areas by 2020. Growth in urban poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition and a shift in their concentration from rural to urban areas will accompany urbanization. Severe environmental degradation and hygienic problems caused by the lack of infrastructure are additional problems. The linking of urban and peri-urban agriculture and ecological sanitation could play an important role for the solution of the mentioned problems. Agriculture within city limits, socalled urban agriculture, became a survival strategy for many poor families in the last decades. These families would not be able to secure their nutrition without urban agriculture. This form of agriculture can be a vehicle to increase food security and health, to generate economic opportunities for people with low income, and to promote recycling of waste and waste water. The philosophy of ecosan is based on the consequent implementation of the closing the loops approach (Nutrient Cycling). Urine and faeces are regarded as resources rather than waste. If collected separately they could easily used as fertilizer respectively as soil conditioner. The objective of the research is to evaluate the potentials and constraints of the link of urban and peri-urban agriculture and ecological sanitation, in short UPA-Ecosan-Concept. The UPA-Ecosan-Concept enables sustainable resource management, prevention of environmental degradation through urban agriculture, an increase in soil fertility and therefore higher yields. The challenge is to prove this theoretical statement scientifically. It has to be evaluated, if an UPA-Ecosan concept fulfils the requirements of a system, which is safe, easy to maintain, and transferable to local conditions. However, such a system has to be as effective as possible with respect to nutrient recycling, sanitation and public health. A vital part of the studies will be the investigation of the safe reuse of faeces and urine and the social acceptability of re-circulation of human-derived nutrients. The results should lead to a catalogue of appropriate methods and technologies on which a sustainable UPA-Ecosan concept can be based. Such a catalogue is imperative for the development of clear political guidelines, which should allow an effective integration of urban and peri-urban agriculture and ecological sanitation in existing urban economies. As a final result, the catalogue should address the challenge of rapid urbanisation and corresponding growth of food insecurity and sanitation deficits of the urban poor.
Das Projekt "Feasibility study on means of combating forest dieback in the European Union" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. All EU Member States face economic and ecological losses due to forest damages. Thus, combating forest dieback, as for example caused by climate change, is a contribution to human safety and well-being and the sustainable development of Europe. The Feasibility Study on means of combating forest dieback in the European Union was initiated by the European Parliament demanding the European Commission to develop a concrete proposal for preventing, mitigating and control forest dieback in the EU. The study was carried out by the Institute for World Forestry and the European Forest Institute (EFI) in 2007. The main objectives of the study were to: - review the different factors affecting forest dieback in the EU and their related causes, - analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of available EU legislations and instruments to combat forest dieback in the EU and - examine the possibilities for establishing a specialised entity for forest protection. In the scope of the feasibility study a survey was conducted in the EU Member States on the importance of damaging agents in EU27 forests. The results of the survey show that the importance of individual threats to forest ecosystem health and vitality varies within European regions. Insects, storm/windfall, and fire were regarded as the most serious threats in Central Europe, Western Europe and Southern Europe respectively. Regional differences exist in relation to damage types and intensity, which thus reflect the importance for particular instruments to prevent, mitigate and control various causes of forest dieback. The feasibility study showed that at the EU level several efficient and well established measures have been implemented which contribute to the prevention, mitigation and control of forest dieback. The study showed also that as a consequence of the current state and the predicted development of environmental pressures, such as climate change, future activities on the EU level to combat forest dieback are urgently needed. Existing measures have to be further developed in order to (a) increase synergy effects between individual instruments, (b) make the instruments more transparent to the entire range of potential stakeholders and beneficiaries, and (c) improve the communication between the different actors involved. A major challenge will be to incorporate future patterns of forest dieback, into existing, amended or new measures. Only the triad of prevention, mitigation and control will put the EU into a position to maintain and enhance the multiple, beneficial functions of forests and their contribution to the quality of life.
Das Projekt "cCASHh - Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies for Human health in Europe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutscher Wetterdienst durchgeführt. Die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung in Europa wird in den kommenden Jahrzehnten durch den globalen Klimawandel betroffen sein. Anpassungsstrategie können die potenziellen Gesundheitsfolgen des Klimawandels minimieren und dazu beitragen, die negativen Effekte auf die Gesundheit kosteneffektiv zu reduzieren. Das Projekt wird Folgenabschätzungen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten für folgende vier klimaabhängige Bereiche der menschlichen Gesundheit betrachten: 1. Gesundheitseffekte von Hitze und Kälte, 2. Gesundheitseffekte von extremen Wetterereignissen, 3. Infektionskrankheiten, die durch Insekten und Zecken übertragen werden und 4. Infektionskrankheiten, die durch Wasser oder durch Nahrung übertragen werden. Ziele: Ziele des Projekts sind 1. die Identifikation der Vulnerabilität der menschliche Gesundheit hinsichtlich der negativen Folgen des Klimawandels, 2. die Prüfung der gegenwärtigen Maßnahmen, Techniken, Politiken und Grenzen zur Verbesserung der Anpassungskapazität an den Klimawandel, 3. die Identifikation von angemessenen und effektiven Maßnahmen, Techniken und Politiken zur erfolgreichen Anpassung an den Klimawandel für die Bevölkerung in Europa, 4. die Abschätzung der Vorteile von spezifischen Strategien oder Strategiekombinationen für die Anpassung von vulnerablen Bevölkerungsgruppen unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Klimawandelszenarien und 5. die Abschätzung der Kosten und des Nutzens klimawandelbedingter Folgen und Anpassungsmaßnahmen einschließlich des vom Klimawandel unabhängigen Zusatznutzens. KLIMASZENARIO Grundlage sind die Emissionsszenarien und Klimaprojektionen des 3. Sachstandberichts des IPCC von 2001. Parameter: Temperaturzunahme, Hitzewellen, Überflutungsereignisse räumlicher Bezug: Europa Zeithorizont: 2100 KLIMAFOLGEN Die Bevölkerung ist insbesondere gegenüber vier Typen von Wetter- und Klimabedingungen exponiert: 1. Langfristige Änderungen der mittleren Temperatur und anderer Klimamittelwerte im Klimawandel, für die eine Betrachtung über Jahrzehnte oder länger erforderlich ist; 2. Interannuelle Klimavariabilität; 3. Kurzfristige Variabilität, zu der monatliche, wöchentliche oder tägliche meteorologische Veränderungen gehören; 4. Einzelne Extremereignisse wie z.B. Temperatur- oder Niederschlagsextreme oder komplexe Überflutungsereignisse. Sektoren und Handlungsfelder: Gesundheit, Kommunikation ANPASSUNGSMASSNAHMEN Hintergrund und Ziele: Anpassung kann auf vielen Ebenen stattfinden. Das Projekt wird v.a. rechtliche, politische und institutionelle Maßnahmen identifizieren, die für die Erhaltung und Verbesserung des Gesundheitsstatus der Bevölkerung benötigt werden und der Anpassung an zukünftige Klimafolgen dienen. Solche Maßnahmen werden auf individueller und privater Ebene ebenso gebraucht, wie auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene. usw.
Das Projekt "Emerging Diseases in a Changing European Environment (EDEN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Hygiene-Institut, Abteilung für Tropenhygiene und öffentliches Gesundheitswesen durchgeführt. These last years, several vector-borne, parasitic or zoonotic diseases have (re)-emerged and spread in the European territory with major health, ecological, socio-economical and political consequences. Most of these outbreaks are linked to global and local changes resulting of climatic changes or activities of human populations. Europe must anticipate, prevent and control new emergences to avoid major societal and economical crisis (cf. SARS in Asia, West Nile in US). EDEN (Emerging Diseases in a changing European Environment) offers a unique opportunity to prepare for uncertainties about the future of the European environment and its impact on human health. EDEN's aim is to increase preparedness by developing and coordinating at European level a set of generic investigative methods, tools and skills within a common scientific framework (Landscapes, Vector and Parasite bionomics, Public Health, Animal Reservoirs). EDEN has therefore selected for study a range of diseases that are especially sensitive to environmental changes. Some of these diseases are already present in Europe (West Nile, Rodent-born, Tick-born, Leishmaniosis), others were present historically (Malaria) and so may re-emerge, whilst finally Rift Valley Fever is either on the fringes of Europe. EDEN integrates research between 42 leading institutes from 23 countries with the combined experience and skills to reach their common goals. EDEN is organised into a series of vertical Sub-Projects led and managed by an internationally recognised expert and linked by a series of Integrative Activities that include biodiversity monitoring, environmental change detection, disease modelling, remote sensing and image interpretation, information and communication. The proposed management structure, including a Scientific Board and a User Forum, takes into account both the diversity of the partners and the size of the project. Specific links with third world countries will be achieved through an Africa platform. Prime Contractor: Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement; Paris; France.
Das Projekt "Development of a European Psychosocial Risk Management Framework (PRIMA-EF)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin durchgeführt. The proposed PRIMA-EF project will focus on the development of a European framework for psychosocial risk management with a special focus on work-related stress, and workplace violence (including harassment, bullying and mobbing). The objectives of the project are: a. to develop existing knowledge in reviewing available methodologies to evaluate the prevalence and impact of psychosocial risks at work and work-related stress, including physical and psychological workplace violence, harassment, bullying and mobbing; b. to identify appropriate means of collecting sensitive data in relation to these issues; c. to develop international standards and indicators on stress and violence at work; d. to develop detailed recommendations and evidence-based best-practice guidance on the management of these issues at the workplace; and e. to disseminate the results of the project to stakeholders and social partners including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The project will place special emphasis on high risk worker groups and occupational sectors and will address relevant gender issues and key issues relating to the implementation of best practice in the context of different enterprises and in particular SMEs. In addition, and in line with European policy on corporate social responsibility and social dialogue, the project will engage the social partners throughout its implementation and will link the project outcomes to these principles. Through the project consortium, the results will be disseminated widely with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Office (ILO). In addition, the consortium will work in synergy with partners in candidate and third countries and national regulatory bodies to ensure a wide impact of the project outcomes and the initiation of the development of an international network of centres of excellence in psychosocial risk management. Prime Contractor: The University of Nottingham; Nottingham; United Kingdom.
Das Projekt "Erstellung einer Broschüre zu den institutionellen Voraussetzungen für die Integration von Verkehr, Gesundheit und Umwelt - THE PEP" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Europäische Akademie für städtische Umwelt Berlin durchgeführt. Mit der englischsprachigen Broschüre 'Supportive Institutional Conditions for Policy Integration of Transport, Environment and Health' sollen politischen Entscheidungsträgern die bisherigen Ergebnisse des UNECE/WHO-Programms THE PEP (Transport, Health and Environment Pan -European Programme) nahegebracht und ihnen Handreichungen zur Verfügung gestellt werden, eine stärkere Integration von Verkehr, Gesundheit und Umwelt in ihrem Entscheidungsbereich voranzutreiben. Die Broschüre spricht unter anderem die folgenden Fragestellungen an: Warum ist eine nachhaltige Verkehrpolitik notwendig? Warum ist eine stärkere Integration der Politikfelder Verkehr, Umwelt und Gesundheit notwendig? Welche Vorteile ergeben sich daraus? Welche Erfahrungen liegen vor? Welche institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen sind notwendig? Mit welchen Barrieren ist zu rechnen und wie können diese überwunden werden?
Origin | Count |
Bund | 28 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 28 |
License | Count |
offen | 28 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 28 |
Englisch | 20 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 16 |
Webseite | 12 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 27 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 28 |
Luft | 21 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 28 |
Wasser | 23 |
Weitere | 28 |