Das Projekt "Der Bestandsschutz im Bau- und Immissionsschutzrecht" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentralinstitut für Raumplanung der Deutschen Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung e.V. durchgeführt. Die Auswirkungen der Eigentumsdogmatik auf alle Facetten des früher unmittelbar aus Art. 14 Abs. 1 S. 1 GG hergeleiteten Bestandsschutzes sind bis heute nicht abschließend geklärt. Inhalt der Untersuchung ist zunächst die Frage, ob die Kompetenz des Gesetzgebers zur Ausgestaltung der Eigentumsordnung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 S. 2 GG eine generelle Aufgabe des verfassungsunmittelbaren Bestandsschutzes erfordert. In einem weiteren Schritt soll untersucht werden, in welchem Umfang die von der Rechtsprechung bisher aus Art. 14 GG abgeleiteten Grundsätze in Zukunft als Maßstab für die Ausgestaltung einfachgesetzlichen Bestandsschutzes Bedeutung erlangen können. Weiterhin werden die wichtigsten bestandsschützenden Regelungen des Bau- und Immissionsschutzrechts untersucht und verglichen. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchung soll auf den durch das EAG Bau eingeführten Regelungen zur Rückbauverpflichtung und zur Befristung von Baurechten liegen. Außerdem soll untersucht werden, ob bzw. inwieweit sich die verfassungsrechtlichen Anforderungen an den einfachgesetzlich zu gewährenden Bestandsschutz im Baurecht einerseits und im Immissionsschutzrecht anderseits unterscheiden.
Das Projekt "F 1: Resource tenure and management of natural resources in mountainous regions of Northern Thailand and Northwest Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. In this subproject the effects of access to land on management of natural resources in highland regions of Southeast Asia are analysed drawing on case studies in selected watersheds of Northern Thailand and Northern Vietnam. The policies with regard to land tenure regimes in mountainous regions differ significantly between Thailand and Vietnam. Whereas Thailand largely neglects land use rights of ethnic minorities for both forest and agricultural land, Vietnam has started with the allocation of land use certificates for agricultural and forest land to individual households. The purpose of this subproject is to analyse how these policies are implemented and transformed at the local level and to provide insight into the effects of different land use policies on land use planning, natural resource management, adoption of soil and water conservation and other long-term investments, such as planting of fruit trees. Moreover, the different strategies of villagers to sustain their land use rights under various property regimes are analysed. Thus, the subproject will provide valuable information on resource management to other subprojects of the proposed SFB which are concentrating on the development of more sustainable land use practices in the highlands of Northern Thailand and Northern Vietnam. At the same time it will also draw upon the information gained in other subprojects on technical and socio-economic production constraints. Close connections exist with the studies on 'Sustainability of mountain farming systems' (D3), 'Rural finance development' (F2) 'Development projects, state administration and local responses' (F3), 'Soil conservation and crop productivity' (B3), 'Ecological assessment of barren hills' (C2) and ' Efficiency of smallholder animal husbandry' (D2).
Das Projekt "Die Rolle von Institutionen fuer nachhaltige Nutzung und Schutz von Allmenderessourcen in laendlichen Gebieten Lateinamerikas" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsstelle für Internationale Agrar- und Wirtschaftsentwicklung durchgeführt. To improve the institutional component of natural resource management policies and projects in Latin American countries by applying quantitative und qualitative methods for analysing formal and informal institution for understanding their role in the sustainable or non-sustainable use of renewable natural resources with common pool properties. The approach will be based on the new institutional and political economy schools of thought which explain institutions and institutional change and, in particular, the change in land tenure and other contractual relationships in economic terms.
Das Projekt "Konzept zur eigentumsrechtlichen Sicherung von Naturschutzflächen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IfÖN - Institut für Ökologie und Naturschutz e.V. durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Geistige Eigentumsrechte und Armutsbekämpfung - Studie für das Europäische Parlament" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH durchgeführt. Genetische Ressourcen in Gestalt von Saatgut sind weltweit die Grundlage für die Landwirtschaft und damit für die Ernährungssicherheit. Genetische Ressourcen in Gestalt von Heilpflanzen und das damit verbundene Wissen sind wichtige Ausgangsbestandteile für die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente. Traditionell haben indigene und lokale Gemeinschaften sowie BäuerInnen in aller Welt Saatgut und Heilpflanzen gezüchtet und verwendet. In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten haben allerdings Pharma- und Agrarunternehmen sowie Forschungseinrichtungen begonnen, genetische Ressourcen stärker für ihre Forschung und die Entwicklung neuer Produkte zu nutzen. Parallel dazu sind rechtliche Regelungen über geistige Eigentumsrechte (IPR) ausgedehnt und verschärft worden, um verstärkten IPR-Schutz für Saatgut und Medikamente zu gewährleisten. Diese Studie hat den Einfluss von IPR an genetischen Ressourcen auf Entwicklungsländer untersucht. Die Studie wurde im Auftrag des Europäischen Parlaments durch das Institute for European Studies (Brüssel) sowie das Ecologic Institut erstellt.
Das Projekt "SP 3.3 Property rights and access to credit, inputs and agricultural knowledge in the North China Plain: implications for technical efficiency, sectoral change, and rural income inequality" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen, Fachgebiet Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik für den Ländlichen Raum durchgeführt. Agricultural and rural development policies as well as formal and informal institutional arrangements concerning farmers access to land, capital, agricultural knowledge, and agricultural inputs influence the intra-sectoral changes of agriculture in the North China Plain. The general objective of the subproject is to analyze the determinants of the change in the number and types of farms over time and the implications of the observed lack of structural change in the farming sector on sustainability in its three dimensions. The central hypothesis is that the transition from the current unsustainable high-input, low-output part-time smallholder agriculture to a more efficient commercially oriented full-time agriculture is hindered by a range of policies and institutional arrangements. Especially for part-time farm households in Hebei province which derive their major share of total household income from rural non-farm sources as well as from migration of household members to urban areas, we hypothesize that land possession and related farming is mainly motivated by subsistence and old-age security motives and as a strategy to diversify incomes out of agriculture. We apply methodological features from innovative recent micro-economic policy studies. Different types of households are classified along the continuum of increasing dependence on agriculture as a source of livelihood, using secondary panel from the Research Center for Rural Economy (RCRE). Further we use the data to estimate econometric models to explain fertilizer use/ demand by farm households (Probit and Tobit models), technical efficiency in grain production (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) and cropping shares, yield levels and land cultivated (simultaneous-equation models). Cooperation with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is planned regarding the analysis of data from the Rural Household Survey of the NBS which includes more detailed information on off-farm income sources compared to RCRE, among other topics. We will conduct qualitative interviews with local administrative officials, farmers, extension officers and input suppliers to gain valuable insight into perceptions, aspirations, and expectations of institutional stakeholders regarding the structure, conduct and performance of fertilizer market and agricultural extension.
Das Projekt "Determinants and effects of alternative institutions for natural resource management in developing countries" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung durchgeführt. With this research project we want to contribute to an understanding of the comparative outcomes of alternative property rights institutions for the management of natural resources in developing countries. The key factors and policies affecting the efficiency, environmental sustainability, and equity outcomes and the long-run dynamics of property rights regimes shall be explored. For this purpose an innovative methodology shall be developed which allows to address these issues empirically and to predict the impacts of particular policy measures and changes in external conditions.
Das Projekt "Einfluss der Wassergebuehren und handelbarer Wasserrechte auf Nutzung einer knappen Ressource" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften, Institut für Rurale Entwicklung durchgeführt. Marktallokation, staatliche Allokation einer knappen Ressource und deren Wirkungen. Vorgehensweise: Property Right-Ansatz. Untersuchungsdesign: Panel.
Das Projekt "Integrated system of data collection technologies for mapping soil properties (DIGISOIL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières durchgeführt. Objective: The multidisciplinary DIGISOIL consortium intends to integrate and improve in situ and proximal measurement technologies for the assessment of soil properties assessment and soil degradation indicators, going from the sensing technologies to their integration and their application in (digital) soil mapping (DSM). In addition, our SMEs experience will allow to take into account the feasibility of such developments based on economical constraints, reliability of the results and needs of the DSM community. In order to assess and prevent soil degradation and to benefit from the different ecological, economical and historical functions of the soil in a sustainable way, there is an obvious need for high resolution and accurate maps of soil properties. The core objective of the project is to explore and exploit new capabilities of advanced geophysical technologies for answering this societal demand. To this aim, DIGISOIL addresses four issues covering technological, soil science and economic aspects: (i) the validation of geophysical (in situ, proximal and airborne) technologies and integrated pedo-geophysical inversion techniques (mechanistic data fusion) (ii) the relation between the geophysical parameters and the soil properties, (iii) the integration of the derived soil properties for mapping soil functions and soil threats, (iv) the evaluation, standardisation and sub-industrialization of the proposed methodologies, including technical and economical studies.
Das Projekt "Climate Change, Mountain Hydrology and Institutional Constraints: International and Local Dimensions" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme durchgeführt. A crucial vulnerability faced by the international community in the near future will be access to fresh water in sufficient quantity and of adequate quality to meet increasing and more diverse needs of a growing world population. Mountains have always held a privileged relationship with water, as the sources of the world's greatest rivers and as the home of the great reserves of water held in glaciers.Major global forces nevertheless threaten these mountain reservoirs. Climate change is predicted to modify quantities of water available as well as shift its seasonality. It is likely that even greater challenges will come from the dynamics of human behavior. Population growth is perhaps the most obvious threat to sufficient water supply but it goes hand in hand with changing norms and evolving activities, leading to increasing competition among use for agriculture, industry, leisure, and domestic activities. Influencing production and distribution are societal rules and norms such as pricing schemes, regulations, and property rights that determine who gets how much water and when. Appropriate solutions to oversee water use will contribute to efficient and equitable distribution. Poor management can aggravate shortages, increase social and economic disparities, and is a potential source of deadly international conflict.Mountain regions are generally considered to be the 'water towers of the world' not only because they receive important quantities of precipitation, but also because this water is then stored there in the form of snow and ice. Populations living in mountains have a very long history of overseeing this precious resource and can be the source of important knowledge about solving the dilemmas of managing a public good that knows no boundaries and can therefore be diverted and traded. Resources governed by natural processes in this way become inextricably linked with political and economic forces. (...)
Origin | Count |
Bund | 10 |
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Förderprogramm | 10 |
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offen | 10 |
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Deutsch | 10 |
Englisch | 7 |
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Keine | 6 |
Webseite | 4 |
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Boden | 8 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 8 |
Luft | 3 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 10 |
Wasser | 6 |
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