Wasserstoffherstellung: Das industrielle Verfahren zur Wasserstoffherstellung beruht auf dem katalytischen Reformieren (Nickel-Katalysatoren) von Erdgas mit Wasserdampf. Bei diesem Prozeß erfolgt eine Dampfspaltung (steam reforming) des Erdgases (Methan). Methan wird dabei in Reaktoren bei Temperaturen von ca. 850 §C zu Wasserstoff (H2) und Kohlenmonoxid umgesetzt. Nach der Umsetzung wird das Gas schnell abgekühlt, wobei gleichzeitig Prozeßdampf gebildet wird. In einer Folgereaktion reagiert das Kohlenmonoxid und überschüssiges Wasser mit Hilfe eines Katalysators zu weiterem Wasserstoff und Kohlendioxid. Daran schließt sich eine CO2-Entfernung und die Isolierung von Wasserstoff an [CO2-Druckwäsche (Weissermel 1994); PSA, pressure swing adsorption (Ullmann 1989a)]. Wasserstoff (H2) wird heute in erster Linie aus Kohlenwasserstoffen gewonnen. Daneben gibt es noch kohlechemische und elektrochemische Prozesse, die aber von geringerer Bedeutung sind [siehe Tabelle 1, (Weissermel 1994)]. Tabelle 1: Verfahren zur Wasserstofferzeugung Welt-H2-Erzeugung 1988 (in Gew.-%) Rohöl/Erdgas-Spaltung 80 Kohlevergasung 16 Elektrolysen/Sonstige 4 gesamt (in Mio. t) ca. 45 Der wichtigste Rohstoff zur Erzeugung von H2 ist Erdgas, aber auch Naphtha und andere Rückstände der Petrochemie werden eingesetzt (Ullmann 1989a). Die Bilanzierung der vorliegenden Kennziffern erfolgt auf der Annahme, daß Wasserstoff zu 100 % aus Erdgas synthetisiert wird. Für die Bilanzierung des Prozesses wurde eine Studie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kunststoff (DSD 1995), die Ökoinventare für Energiesysteme (ETH 1995) und Daten aus (Ullmann 1989a) ausgewertet. Da in (DSD 1995) die ausführlichsten Daten vorliegen, wurden diese für die Berechnung der Kennziffern verwendet. Es wird angenommen, daß die dortigen Angaben sich auf die H2-Herstellung in Westeuropa in den 90er Jahren beziehen. Die Massen- und Energiebilanz ist vom verwendeten Rohstoff abhängig, somit ist eine Übertragung der Kennziffern auf andere Einsatzstoffe oder auch Produktionsverfahren nicht möglich. Allokation: keine Genese der Kennziffern: Massenbilanz: Zur Herstellung von Wasserstoff wird als Rohstoff Erdgas (1990 kg/t H2) und Wasser (4468 kg/t H2) benötigt (DSD 1995). Als weiteres Reaktionsprodukt der chemischen Umsetzung von Erdgas entseht neben H2 auch Kohlendioxid (5458 kg CO2/t H2). Da CO2 kein verwertbares Produkt darstellt, wird es den prozeßbedingten Luftemissionen zugerechnet. Im Vergleich zu den obigen Angaben wird bei (Ullmann 1989a) für eine typische Steamreformer-Anlage ein Erdgasbedarf von 2160 m3 für die Erzeugung von 5000 m3 Wasserstoff (jeweils bei 0 §C und 101,325 kPa) - bzw. umgerechnet 3439 kg Erdgas/t H2 - aufgeführt. (ETH 1995) wiederum gibt einen Erdgasbedarf von 121 MJ/kg H2 (umgerechnet 2881 kg/t H2) an. Die Angaben aus (DSD 1995), (ETH 1995) und (Ullmann 1989a) zeigen deutliche Abweichungen voneinander. Da bei (DSD 1995) die vollständigste Bilanz vorliegt, werden diese Daten übernommen. Es wird angenommen, daß der unterschiedliche Rohstoffbedarf bei den verschiedenen Literaturquellen dadurch zustande kommt, daß die Wasserstoffherstellung je nach Prozeßführung auf eine maximale Produktion an Prozeßdampf, minimalen Einsatz von Erdgas , etc. optimiert werden kann. Energiebedarf: Für den Prozeß der Wasserstofferzeugung wird insgesamt eine Energiemenge von 49,25 MJ/kg H2 benötigt. 47,25 MJ des Gesamtenergiebedarfs werden durch die Verbrennung von Erdgas bereitgestellt. Davon entfallen wiederum 18,144 MJ auf die Dampferzeugung und 8,645 MJ auf die CO2-Druckwäsche. An elektrischer Energie werden 2,0 MJ Energie verbraucht (DSD 1995). Im Vergleich dazu wird der Prozeßenergiebedarf bei (ETH 1995) mit 3,47 MJ/kg elektrischer Energie, 26,55 MJ/kg Heizöl S (Industriefeuerung) und 17,8 Erdgas (Industriefeuerung) angegeben (Summe 47,82 MJ/kg). Der Energiebedarf bei (DSD 1995) und (ETH 1995) zeigt eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung. Es werden die Daten aus (DSD 1995) für GEMIS übernommen. Prozeßbedingte Luftemissionen: Nach (Ullmann 1989a) entstehen beim steam reforming 0,25 mol CO2 pro mol H2 (Methan und Wasser werden zu Wasserstoff und Kohlendioxid umgesetzt). Dieser Wert ist identisch mit der Angabe aus (DSD 1995) von 5,458 kg CO2 pro kg Wasserstoff. Es konnten keine weiteren prozeßspezifischen Daten zu den Emissionen ermittelt werden. Diese sind im Vergleich zu den Emissionen, die durch den Energieverbrauch entstehen, relativ gering (ETH 1995). Wasser: Neben dem Erdgas dient auch Wasser als Rohstoff zur H2-Erzeugung (Reduktion von H2O zu H2). Für die chemische Reaktion werden 4,468 kg H2O pro kg H2 benötigt (DSD 1995). Es kann jedoch davon ausgegangen werden, daß beim Herstellungsprozeß ein Überschuß an Wasserdampf eingesetzt wird. Da hierüber - ebenso wie zum Kühlwasserbedarf - keine Angaben vorliegen, wird der Wert von 4,468 kg Wasser als Kennziffer verwendet. Angaben zu Abwasserwerten und Reststoffen liegen nicht vor. Auslastung: 5000h/a Brenn-/Einsatzstoff: Brennstoffe-fossil-Gase gesicherte Leistung: 100% Jahr: 2010 Lebensdauer: 20a Leistung: 1MW Nutzungsgrad: 143% Produkt: Brennstoffe-Sonstige
technologyComment of cobalt production (GLO): Cobalt, as a co-product of nickel and copper production, is obtained using a wide range of technologies. The initial life cycle stage covers the mining of the ore through underground or open cast methods. The ore is further processed in beneficiation to produce a concentrate and/or raffinate solution. Metal selection and further concentration is initiated in primary extraction, which may involve calcining, smelting, high pressure leaching, and other processes. The final product is obtained through further refining, which may involve processes such as re-leaching, selective solvent / solution extraction, selective precipitation, electrowinning, and other treatments. Transport is reported separately and consists of only the internal movements of materials / intermediates, and not the movement of final product. Due to its intrinsic value, cobalt has a high recycling rate. However, much of this recycling takes place downstream through the recycling of alloy scrap into new alloy, or goes into the cobalt chemical sector as an intermediate requiring additional refinement. Secondary production, ie production from the recycling of cobalt-containing wastes, is considered in this study in so far as it occurs as part of the participating companies’ production. This was shown to be of very limited significance (less than 1% of cobalt inputs). The secondary materials used for producing cobalt are modelled as entering the system free of environmental burden. technologyComment of natural gas production (CA-AB): Canadian data completed with german data. The uncertainty has been adjusted accordingly. Data used in original data contains no information on technology. technologyComment of natural gas production (DE): Data in environmental report contains no information on technology. technologyComment of natural gas production (RoW): The data describes an average onshore technology for natural gas to 13% out of combined oil gas production. Natural gas is assumed to 20% sour. Leakage in exploitation is estimated at 0.38% and production 0.12%. It is further assumed that about 30% of the produced water is discharged in surface water. Water emissions are differentiated between combined oil and gas production and gas production. technologyComment of natural gas production (RU): The data describes an average onshore technology for natural gas with a share of 4% out of combined oil gas production and 96% from mere natural gas production. Natural gas is assumed to 20% sour. It is assumed that about 30% of the produced water is discharged in surface water. Water emissions are differentiated between combined oil and gas production and gas production. technologyComment of natural gas production (US): US data (NREL) for emissions completed with german data. Emissions from NREL include combined production (petroleumm and gas) and off-shore production. The uncertainty has been adjusted accordingly. Data used in original data contains no information on technology. technologyComment of petroleum refinery operation (CH): Average data for the used technology. technologyComment of primary zinc production from concentrate (RoW): The technological representativeness of this dataset is considered to be high as smelting methods for zinc are consistent in all regions. Refined zinc produced pyro-metallurgically represents less than 5% of global zinc production and less than 2% of this dataset. Electrometallurgical Smelting The main unit processes for electrometallurgical zinc smelting are roasting, leaching, purification, electrolysis, and melting. In both electrometallurgical and pyro-metallurgical zinc production routes, the first step is to remove the sulfur from the concentrate. Roasting or sintering achieves this. The concentrate is heated in a furnace with operating temperature above 900 °C (exothermic, autogenous process) to convert the zinc sulfide to calcine (zinc oxide). Simultaneously, sulfur reacts with oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide, which is subsequently converted to sulfuric acid in acid plants, usually located with zinc-smelting facilities. During the leaching process, the calcine is dissolved in dilute sulfuric acid solution (re-circulated back from the electrolysis cells) to produce aqueous zinc sulfate solution. The iron impurities dissolve as well and are precipitated out as jarosite or goethite in the presence of calcine and possibly ammonia. Jarosite and goethite are usually disposed of in tailing ponds. Adding zinc dust to the zinc sulfate solution facilitates purification. The purification of leachate leads to precipitation of cadmium, copper, and cobalt as metals. In electrolysis, the purified solution is electrolyzed between lead alloy anodes and aluminum cathodes. The high-purity zinc deposited on aluminum cathodes is stripped off, dried, melted, and cast into SHG zinc ingots (99.99 % zinc). Pyro-metallurgical Smelting The pyro-metallurgical smelting process is based on the reduction of zinc and lead oxides into metal with carbon in an imperial smelting furnace. The sinter, along with pre-heated coke, is charged from the top of the furnace and injected from below with pre-heated air. This ensures that temperature in the center of the furnace remains in the range of 1000-1500 °C. The coke is converted to carbon monoxide, and zinc and lead oxides are reduced to metallic zinc and lead. The liquid lead bullion is collected at the bottom of the furnace along with other metal impurities (copper, silver, and gold). Zinc in vapor form is collected from the top of the furnace along with other gases. Zinc vapor is then condensed into liquid zinc. The lead and cadmium impurities in zinc bullion are removed through a distillation process. The imperial smelting process is an energy-intensive process and produces zinc of lower purity than the electrometallurgical process. technologyComment of rare earth oxides production, from rare earth oxide concentrate, 70% REO (CN-SC): This dataset refers to the separation (hydrochloric acid leaching) and refining (metallothermic reduction) process used in order to produce high-purity rare earth oxides (REO) from REO concentrate, 70% beneficiated. ''The concentrate is calcined at temperatures up to 600ºC to oxidize carbonaceous material. Then HCl leaching, alkaline treatment, and second HCl leaching is performed to produce a relatively pure rare earth chloride (95% REO). Hydrochloric acid leaching in Sichuan is capable of separating and recovering the majority of cerium oxide (CeO) in a short process. For this dataset, the entire quantity of Ce (50% cerium dioxide [CeO2]/REO) is assumed to be produced here as CeO2 with a grade of 98% REO. Foreground carbon dioxide CO2 emissions were calculated from chemical reactions of calcining beneficiated ores. Then metallothermic reduction produces the purest rare earth metals (99.99%) and is most common for heavy rare earths. The metals volatilize, are collected, and then condensed at temperatures of 300 to 400°C (Chinese Ministryof Environmental Protection 2009).'' Source: Lee, J. C. K., & Wen, Z. (2017). Rare Earths from Mines to Metals: Comparing Environmental Impacts from China's Main Production Pathways. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(5), 1277-1290. doi:10.1111/jiec.12491 technologyComment of scandium oxide production, from rare earth tailings (CN-NM): See general comment. technologyComment of sulfur production, petroleum refinery operation (Europe without Switzerland): The technology level in Europe applied here represents a weighted average of BREF types II (62%), III (29%), IV (9%) refineries; API 35; sulfur content 1.03%. technologyComment of sulfur production, petroleum refinery operation (PE): The technology represents BREF type II refinery; API 25; sulfur content 0.51% technologyComment of sulfur production, petroleum refinery operation (BR): The technology represents BREF type II refinery; API 25; sulfur content 0.57% technologyComment of sulfur production, petroleum refinery operation (ZA): The technology represents a weighted average of BREF types II and III refineries; API 35; sulfur content 0.7% technologyComment of sulfur production, petroleum refinery operation (CO): The technology represents a weighted average of BREF types II and IV refineries; API 35; sulfur content 0.56% technologyComment of sulfur production, petroleum refinery operation (IN): The technology represents a weighted average of BREF types II and IV refineries; API 35; sulfur content 1.39% technologyComment of sulfur production, petroleum refinery operation (RoW): This dataset represents the prevailing technology level in Europe, this is a weighted average of BREF complexity types II (62%), III (29%), IV (9%) refineries (see BREF document, European Commission, 2015); API 35; sulfur content 1.03%. Reference(s): European Commission (2015) Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document (BREF) for the Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas, Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and control, accessible online at http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference/BREF/REF_BREF_2015.pdf, February 2019 technologyComment of synthetic fuel production, from coal, high temperature Fisher-Tropsch operations (ZA): SECUNDA SYNFUEL OPERATIONS: Secunda Synfuels Operations operates the world’s only commercial coal-based synthetic fuels manufacturing facility of its kind, producing synthesis gas (syngas) through coal gasification and natural gas reforming. They make use of their proprietary technology to convert syngas into synthetic fuel components, pipeline gas and chemical feedstock for the downstream production of solvents, polymers, comonomers and other chemicals. Primary internal customers are Sasol Chemicals Operations, Sasol Exploration and Production International and other chemical companies. Carbon is produced for the recarburiser, aluminium, electrode and cathodic production markets. Secunda Synfuels Operations receives coal from five mines in Mpumalanga (see figure attached). After being crushed, the coal is blended to obtain an even quality distribution. Electricity is generated by both steam and gas and used to gasify the coal at a temperature of 1300°C. This produces syngas from which two types of reactor - circulating fluidised bed and Sasol Advanced SynthoTM reactors – produce components for making synthetic fuels as well as a number of downstream chemicals. Gas water and tar oil streams emanating from the gasification process are refined to produce ammonia and various grades of coke respectively. imageUrlTagReplacea79dc0c2-0dda-47ec-94e0-6f076bc8cdb6 SECUNDA CHEMICAL OPERATIONS: The Secunda Chemicals Operations hub forms part of the Southern African Operations and is the consolidation of all the chemical operating facilities in Secunda, along with Site Services activities. The Secunda Chemicals hub produces a diverse range of products that include industrial explosives, fertilisers; polypropylene, ethylene and propylene; solvents (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), ethanol, n-Propanol, iso-propanol, SABUTOL-TM, PROPYLOL-TM, mixed C3 and C4 alcohols, mixed C5 and C6 alcohols, High Purity Ethanol, and Ethyl Acetate) as well as the co-monomers, 1-hexene, 1-pentene and 1-octene and detergent alcohol (SafolTM).
technologyComment of hydroformylation of propylene (RER, RoW): In the oxo reaction (hydroformylation), carbon monoxide and hydrogen are added to a carbon – carbon double bond in the liquid phase in the presence of catalyst (hydrocarbonyls or substituted hydrocarbonyls of Co, Rh, or Ru). In the first reaction step aldehydes are formed with one more C-atom than the original olefins. For olefins with more than two C-atoms, isomeric aldehyde mixtures are normally obtained. In the case of propylene these consist of 1-butanal and 2-methylpropanal. imageUrlTagReplace600920a3-5103-4466-9c05-fd1d8ed0d89c There are several variations of the hydroformylation process, the differences being in the reaction conditions (pressure, temperature) as well as the catalyst system used. The classic high-pressure process exclusively used until the beginning of the 1970s operates at pressures of 20 – 30 MPa (200 – 300 bar) CO/H2 and temperatures of 100 – 180 °C. The catalyst is Co. It leads to about 75 % 1-butanol and about 25 % 2-methyl-1-propanol. The new process developments of the past few years have led to a clear shift in the range of products. The processes operating at relatively low pressures (1 – 5 MPa , 10 – 50 bar) use modified Rh-catalysts. The isomeric ratios achieved are about 92 : 8 or 95 : 5 1-butanol to 2-methyl-1-propanol. However, by the use of unmodified Rh the percentage of 2-methyl-1-propanol can be increased to about 50 %. Catalytic hydrogenation of the aldehydes leads to the formation of the corresponding alcohols. As only primary alcohols can be obtained via the oxo synthesis, it is not possible to produce 2-butanol and 2-methyl-2-propanol by this process. Reference: Hahn, H., Dämkes, G., Ruppric, N.: Butanols. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of In-dustrial Chemistry, Seventh Edition, 2004 Electronic Release (ed. Fiedler E., Grossmann G., Kersebohm D., Weiss G. and Witte C.). 7 th Electronic Release Edition. Wiley InterScience, New York, Online-Version under: http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ueic/articles/ technologyComment of synthetic fuel production, from coal, high temperature Fisher-Tropsch operations (ZA): SECUNDA SYNFUEL OPERATIONS: Secunda Synfuels Operations operates the world’s only commercial coal-based synthetic fuels manufacturing facility of its kind, producing synthesis gas (syngas) through coal gasification and natural gas reforming. They make use of their proprietary technology to convert syngas into synthetic fuel components, pipeline gas and chemical feedstock for the downstream production of solvents, polymers, comonomers and other chemicals. Primary internal customers are Sasol Chemicals Operations, Sasol Exploration and Production International and other chemical companies. Carbon is produced for the recarburiser, aluminium, electrode and cathodic production markets. Secunda Synfuels Operations receives coal from five mines in Mpumalanga (see figure attached). After being crushed, the coal is blended to obtain an even quality distribution. Electricity is generated by both steam and gas and used to gasify the coal at a temperature of 1300°C. This produces syngas from which two types of reactor - circulating fluidised bed and Sasol Advanced SynthoTM reactors – produce components for making synthetic fuels as well as a number of downstream chemicals. Gas water and tar oil streams emanating from the gasification process are refined to produce ammonia and various grades of coke respectively. imageUrlTagReplacea79dc0c2-0dda-47ec-94e0-6f076bc8cdb6 SECUNDA CHEMICAL OPERATIONS: The Secunda Chemicals Operations hub forms part of the Southern African Operations and is the consolidation of all the chemical operating facilities in Secunda, along with Site Services activities. The Secunda Chemicals hub produces a diverse range of products that include industrial explosives, fertilisers; polypropylene, ethylene and propylene; solvents (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), ethanol, n-Propanol, iso-propanol, SABUTOL-TM, PROPYLOL-TM, mixed C3 and C4 alcohols, mixed C5 and C6 alcohols, High Purity Ethanol, and Ethyl Acetate) as well as the co-monomers, 1-hexene, 1-pentene and 1-octene and detergent alcohol (SafolTM).
In folgenden, unter dem Projekttyp subsumierten Anlagen werden konventionelle oder regenerative Kraft- und Brennstoffe erzeugt: in Brikettieranlagen: Briketts aus Kohle oder allgemein brennbarem Material; in Kokereien: Koks aus Kohle; in Mineralöl- und Erdgasraffinerien: flüssige und gasförmige Treibstoffe, Heizöl sowie Erdgas für Gaskraftwerke; in Gaswerken: Heizgas aus Kohle, Koks, Kohlenwasserstoffen oder Biomasse; in Anlagen zur Kohlevergasung und -verflüssigung: gasförmige und flüssige Kohlenwasserstoffe als Kraftstoffe und Heizöl; in Ölmühlen: Pflanzenöl aus Ölsaaten; in Biodieselanlagen: Biodiesel aus Ölen und Fetten; in Pyrolyseanlagen: Kohlenwasserstoffe, z. B. Synthesegas als Kraftstoffe sowie Biokohle aus Biomasse; in Anlagen zur hydrothermalen Karbonisierung: Biokohle aus Biomasse und Synthesegas; in Anlagen zur Hydrolyse: Grünzucker und Ethanol aus pflanzlicher Biomasse; in Pelletieranlagen: Holzpellets; in Biogasanlagen/Fermentations- und Vergärungsanlagen: Biogas (Methan, Ethanol) aus Biomasse; in Bioraffinerien: Biokraftstoffe, Strom und Wärme aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen; in (wenig verbreiteten) Anlagen zur Wasserstoffgewinnung, z. B. aus dem Methan des Erdgases, aus Alkoholen oder durch Vergasung von Biomasse mit Wasserdampf. Zu den möglichen anlagebedingten Vorhabensbestandteilen zählen z. B. die Infrastruktur zur Anlieferung, Beschickung, Tanklager, Bunker, Gruben, Silos, Kugelgasbehälter, Rohrleitungen (in manchen Anlagen mehrere 100 km oberirdische Leitungen), Förder- und Verteilsysteme, Zerkleinerungsmühlen, Koksbrecher und -mahlanlagen, Störstoffabtrennung, Reifebehälter bei der Pelletierung, Kohle- und Entstaubungsanlagen, Öfen, Reaktoren, Fermenter, Kolonnen, Gas-Trennapparaturen, Kondensationsanlagen für Gas, Wäscher, Abscheider, Trockner, Kühler, Kühltürme, Wärmeüberträger, Verdampfer, Mischstationen, Pressengebäude bei der Brikettierung, Komprimierung in Druckbehältern, Einrichtungen zur Konditionierung, Konfektionierung, Verpackung und Verladung, Schornsteine, Anlagen zur Abfackelung, Abgasaufbereitung, betriebseigenes Kraftwerk und Heizwerk, bei regenerativen Energierohstoffen ggf. ein Blockheizkraftwerk, Wasserwerk, Abwasserbehandlung, Abfallentsorgung, Prozessleitsysteme, Verwaltung, Wirtschaftsgebäude, Werkstätten, Labor, Werksfeuerwehr u. a. Zu den möglichen baubedingten Vorhabensbestandteilen zählen u. a. Baustelle bzw. Baufeld, Materiallagerplätze, Erdentnahmestellen, Bodendeponien, Maschinenabstellplätze, Baumaschinen und Baubetrieb, Baustellenverkehr und Baustellenbeleuchtung. Der Betrieb der Anlagen umfasst v. a. die Herstellung der Energierohstoffe/-produkte sowie innerbetriebliche und Zulieferverkehre. Hiermit sind insbesondere stoffliche Emissionen (Nähr- und Schadstoffe über Luft- oder Wasserpfad) verbunden, außerdem treten akustische und optische Störwirkungen sowie ggf. Barriere- oder Fallenwirkungen / Individuenverluste auf.
Das Projekt "Coal gasification - waste heat utilization - phase 2 stage 2 -" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Krupp Koppers durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is the energetic optimisation of the PRENLO-process for the gasification of solid fuels under pressure by development and testing of a new waste heat boiler system. The engineering and construction of a PRENFLO-plant (Pressurized Entrained flow Coal Gasification) with a capacity of 48 t/d Coal throughput at design pressure (Contract LG/018/83/DE) and the execution of the subsequent test programme (Phase 2 of the project; LG/270/85/DE and the present contract, LG/354/87/DE) served to justify the technical and economic risks of commercializing the process on a large industrial scale and demonstrate the long-term availability of the system and of newly developed components. General Information: The PRENFLO process is based on the atmospheric Koppers-Totzek process. This new technology is characterized by high gasifier unit capacity, high thermal efficiency, independence of coal quality, high gas quality and low environmental impact. To demonstrate the PRENFLO process and to test as well as optimize the components of the system a 48 t/d PRENFLO plant was erected on the site of the technology centre of the Saarbergwerke AG in Forstenhausen (Saarland, Germany), project LG/018/83/DE. PRENFLO gasification operates according to the entrained flow principle. Coal dust with a grain size of smaller than100 m is conveyed under pressure, using nitrogen, to a reactor with a water-cooled refractory lining. The gasification agents oxygen and steam are added at the gasifier burners. The gasification of the coal dust, i.e. reactor with a water-cooled refractory lining. The gasification agents oxygen and steam are added at the gasifier burners. The gasification of the coal dust, i.e. the partial oxidation of the carbon to carbon monoxide, takes place in a flame reaction at temperatures of more than 2000 deg. C and a pressure of 24 to 30 bar, the coal substance being converted into CO, H2 and small amounts of CO2. The sulphur content in the coal is converted into H2S and to a limited extent COS, the chlorine into HCl. Coal ash flows as liquid slag out of the gasifier into a water bath and is discharged from there as granulated inert high-temperature slag. Some of the coal ash is removed from the reactor as fly ash together with the raw gas. The raw gas leaves the reactor from the top and is normally quenched with cole and cleaned recycle gas in order to solidify discharged liquid ash particles. The raw gas is further cooled in the waste heat boiler. High pressure steam generation is coupled with the cooling system of the reactor. The steam produced in both systems is passed to super heaters. The downstream raw gas cleaning system comprises a dry dedusting unit, Venturi scrubber, a high-pressure separator and a scrubbing water circulation system with a pressure filter for separation of filter cake and a stripper for waste water purification. In the present programme (LG/255/89/DE) the raw gas leaving the PRENFLO reactor is not
Das Projekt "Kohlevergasung - Abwaermenutzung (Phase 2, Stufe 1) (Prenflo)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Krupp Koppers durchgeführt. Objectives: To operate a 48 Tons/day Prenflo plant on a long term basis to test the various components and to complete the development of the process. General Information The Prenflo process is an advanced coal gasification process, which allows high unit capacity, high efficiency, non-dependence on coal qualities and optimally low environmental impact. It is particularly suited for conversion of coal to electrical power by means of integration with a combined gas/steam turbine power plant. This project covers only the operation of a 48 Tons/day plant - known as phase 2 - for 24 months and consists of 3 stages: 1. the cold-commissioning; 2. the trial run; 3. the evaluation; Stage 1 started on 01. 01. 86. Stage 3 will be finished on 31. 12. 87. The plant is located on the site of the Technology Center of the Saarbergwerke AG in Fürstenhausen (Saarland, Germany) (see project LG/00018/83). The feedstock consists of pulverized coal fed pneumatically into a reactor where it reacts with oxygen and steam at 1,300-1,600 deg. C and is entirely converted in CO, H2 and some small amount of CO2. The ashes are eliminated through a water-bath below the reactor from which they are granulated and disposed of. The crude synthesis gas is fed into an oven where it releases most of its heat to produce 50 bar, 500 deg. C steam partly used as process steam and partly fed to the nearby plant. The gas is then dedusted, washed, cooled and desulfurised and fed into the network.
Das Projekt "Production of hydrogen for the hydrogenation of heavy oil and coal (plant assembly phase)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Veba Öl AG durchgeführt. Objective: To erect a demonstration gasifier including the metering and monitoring devices. General Information: The project started in 1981 with the design of the plant, the obtaining of the approval, the basic - and detail - engineering and the acquisition of the necessary material and equipment. The current phase includes the erection of the gasifier. The gasifier of the demonstration plant is designed to produce 40000 m3/h synthesis gas. This corresponds to a feed rate of 16 t /h. The gasification pressure is 60 bars. The dust free raw gas from the demonstration plant is directed to the raw gas shift conversion, H2S/CO2 - removal and pressure swing adsorption units. The safe feeding operation of liquid hydrogenation residues is insured by special suspension pumps. The dosage of the LTC coke and the hard coal will be carried out employing the extruder feeding system for solid fuels developed by VEBA OEL on pilot plant scale. The main component of the feeding system is a twin screw extruder. In the feeder the finely ground coal or coke are mixed intensively with about 15 per cent water or oil and pressurized to form a gas-tight plug. At the extruder outlet the pressurized feed-stock is pulverised in a specifically designed discharge head and transferred by steam via a specially designed burner into the gasification reactor. Achievements: A preplanning phase served to investigate different concepts with respect to process flow, the technical design of the main parts and the integration of the demonstration plant into the RUHR OEL refinery in Gelsenkirchen-Scholven. For two process variants the basic engineering was carried out for the main process steps; a pre-basic was worked out for the conventional units of the plant, i. e. grinding, crude gas shift conversion and H2S/CO2 scrubbing. Detailed documents including construction drawings were produced for the main parts e. g. the extruder feeding-system, the burner and the gasification reactor. In order to determine whether the gasification plant would qualify for approval by the authorities a preliminary application in accordance with P9 of the Federal Environmental Protection (Immission) Act was prepared and submitted. After a thorough examination of the application and a discussion on the objections the preliminary approval was guaranted. To conclude the investigations, the investment cost were determined and the economic viability was examined for both process alternatives. The investigations have shown that a large-scale plant for the gasification of hydrogenation residues and coal is technically feasible and does quality for approval. The low energy price level does for the time being, however, not permit a cost-covering operation of coal gasification or coal hydrogenation plants. Measures are, therefore, examined to improve the economic viability of gasification and hydrogenation units. The use of solid or liquid wastes (as e. g. sewage sludge, used plastic materials, used ...
Das Projekt "ovative In Situ CO2 Capture Technology for Solid Fuel Gasification (ISCC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät für Energietechnik, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen durchgeführt. The project aims to develop a new process facilitating the capture and subsequent sequestration of CO2. This shall be done with a solid sorbent which absorbs the CO2 during the coal gasification process. The sorbent will be regenerated in a separate unit in order to release concentrated (deeper 95 percent CO2). Gaseous products are the CO2 ready for sequestration and H2 which can be used in a gas turbine or, in the future, in a fuel cell. The Solid product is a pre-calcined ash/sorbent mixture which might be used as a feed for the cement industry, thereby considerably reducing the energy consumption and the CO2 emissions of the cement industry.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Verfahrens zur Vergasung von Kohle unter Druck im Flugstrom mit dem Saarberg/Otto-Vergaser" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Saarbergwerke durchgeführt. Der Saarberg/Otto-Vergaser soll unter Druck erprobt und bis zur Betriebsreife weiterentwickelt werden. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht dabei die Gewinnung von Daten zur Auslegung kommerzieller Anlagen sowie die Untersuchung folgender Fragen: -Wie verhaelt sich der Vergaser in verschiedenen Druckstufen und welches sind die min. und max. Durchsaetze in diesen Druckstufen, die noch einen sicheren Betrieb gewaehrleisten. -Wie aendert sich die Gaszusammensetzung bei Variation der Verhaeltnisse Vergtasungsmittel/Brennstoff und Sauerstoff/Dampf. -Welches ist die wirtschaftlichste Fahrweise des Systems. -Wie arbeitet der Vergaser bei Einsatz verschiedener Kohlearten. -Wie kann eine moeglichst grosse Umweltfreundlchkeit erreicht und wie kann sie verbessert werden. -Welche Werkstoffe sind fuerdie Kohledruckvergasung geeignet.
Das Projekt "Bau und Betrieb eines Tunnelofens der keramischen Industrie mit niederkalorigem, heissem Gas aus Kohle" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Keller Maschinenfabrik durchgeführt. Dem direkten Einsatz der Kohle in den Tunneloefen der Ziegelindustrie stehen hohe technische und umweltrelevante Hindernisse entgegen. Hier bietet sich die Kohlevergasung als Alternative an. Die erheblichen Investitions- und Betriebskosten der z.Zt. vorhandenen Systeme verhindern aber eine wirtschaftliche Verwendung. Die Fa. Keller hat ein Beheizungssystem entwickelt, das dem Tunnelofen hinsichtlich Verfahrenstechnik, Konstruktion und Leistung angepasst ist. Das bedeutet einen geringeren Aufwand fuer die Gasreinigung, geringe Waermeverluste und das Fehlen jeglicher Abwaerme. Das im Technikum entwickelte Verfahren soll nun in einer Demonstrationsanlage (Massstabsvergroesserung ca. 8) in einer Ziegelei erprobt und bis zur Praxisreife entwickelt werden. Das Vorhaben umfasst Konstruktion, Bau und Betrieb dieser Anlage. Die Laufzeit soll 2 Jahre betragen.