Das Projekt "Gewinnung von Trinkwasser und Rohstoffen aus Meerwasser" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Kraftwerk Union, Mülheim durchgeführt. Es soll ein Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Trink- und Brauchwasser aus Meerwasser entwickelt werden. Bei der herkoemmlichen Destillation von Meerwasser kann nach dem Stand der Technik eine obere Grenztemperatur von 120 Grad C nicht ueberschritten werden, ohne dass Krustenbildung zu befuerchten ist. Ausserdem kann die Sole maximal um den Faktor 2 aufkonzentriert werden, so dass grosse Wassermengen umzuwaelzen sind. Werden die Haertebildner und Salze jedoch vor der Destillation ausgefaellt, so kann die Sole wesentlich hoeher eingedickt werden. Es sind dadurch geringere Wassermengen umzuwaelzen und auf Verdampfungstemperaturen aufzuheizen; dies fuehrt zu einer spuerbaren Senkung des Heiz- und Pumpenenergieaufwandes. Die Faellprodukte koennen ausserdem weiterverarbeitet und kommerzialisiert werden, so dass die Wassererzeugungskosten gesenkt werden.
Das Projekt "Waermetauscher zum Vorheizen gebrauchter Lauge mit heisser neutraler Lauge in der elektrolytischen Produktion von Zink" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ruhr-Zink durchgeführt. Objective: The energy content of neutral lye, which to date has been discharged via cooling towers, is to be recovered using suitable heat exchangers and returned to the process. It is to be expected that this process will lead to an annual energy saving of about 2000 toe at project level. General Information: The electrolytic production of zinc includes a loop process for solutions. During electrolysis so-called neutral lye is partially dezincified under formation of sulphuric acid. The solution discharged from the zinc electrolysis cells, which contains sulphuric acid, is called spent. It is used in the leaching process to dissolve zinc from roasted material. Then enriched with zinc, it is returned to the electrolysis as so-called neutral lye. The leaching and cleaning process takes place at a temperature of between 80 and 90 degree C to obtain higher yields. To date, the spent has been heated up to this temperature level by adding steam before the leaching process. However, only cold solutions can be used for electrolysis. The neutral lye therefore has to be cooled down to the required temperature level in atmospheric cooling towers. By means of spiral counter flow heat exchangers, which guarantee a high exchange flux, the heat content of the neutral lye is to be recovered and used for the direct heating of the spent. This means that it will no longer be necessary to heat the spent with steam from the factory's steam network. A suitable alternating flow between the inlet and outlet channels of the heat exchangers should prevent the accumulation of gypsum deposits in the narrow channels of the heat exchangers. The purpose of the measuring and demonstration programme which is planned after erection and commissioning is to provide information on the corrosion resistance of the heat exchanger materials and on the precipitation of solid matter in the heat exchangers. The latter will have a decisive effect on the operating efficiency and hence on the commercial efficiency of the project. Achievements: For the demonstration phase TWO spiral counter current heat exchangers, each with a energy potential of 2140 x 103 kcal/h, were installed. The encrustation from the neutral solution forms in a then layer inside the pipes and hence with the frequent swapping of medium sides, requiring a problematic program controlled switching of numerous isolation valves, the problem can be solved. In continuous operation it was found that due to filtration problems in the following process steps, the planned final temperature of 67 degree C for the neutral solution had to be raised to 70 degree C. This resulted in more favourable conditions for avoiding encrustation, however it also resulted in lower than expected energy savings. At the end of the demonstration the following results were obtained: - The selected construction material (1.4563) is corrosion resistant to the heated dilute sulphuric acid, up to a corrosion inhibitor. - The final temperature of 70 ...
Das Projekt "Teilprojekt A 04: Entwicklung und Wechselwirkung von Fließwegen auf und im Boden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. - Programmbereich 1 Landschaftsprozesse, Arbeitsgruppe Hydropedologie durchgeführt. Dieses Projekt betrachtet die Rückkopplungen zwischen Oberflächenabfluss und Infiltration für die sich entwickelnden Poren-, Boden- und Oberflächenstrukturen. Das Ziel ist die experimentelle Unter-suchung der Fließwegentwicklung und die Übertragung auf physikalisch basierte Modelle für Fluss-Struktur-Interaktionen auf der Plotskala, um Rückkopplungsprozesse für unterschiedlich entwickelte Bodenoberflächen zu beschreiben. Die Entwicklung von Fließwegen auf und im Boden wird mittels Beregnungs-Infiltrations-Abfluss Versuchen und gekoppelter Modelle des Flusses auf und im Boden untersucht. Fließwege sollen durch Röntgen- und Neutronen-tomographische Verfahren, mit bildge-benden Fluoreszenztechniken und minimal invasiven Temperaturgebern identifiziert werden.
Das Projekt "SO 145 - EXCO II: Austauschprozesse zwischen Kruste und Ozean am Ostpazifischen Ruecken suedlich der Garrett Bruchzone (14 0S)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 5 Geowissenschaften durchgeführt. Das Verbundprojekt EXCO II beinhaltet verschiedene Experimente zum Themenbereich 'Austauschprozesse zwischen Kruste und Ozean' und umfasst sowohl Untersuchungen des Energie- als auch des Stoffkreislaufes am ostpazifischen Ruecken. Die Arbeiten in EXCO II basieren auf den Ergebnissen von EXCO I (SO105) und konzentrieren sich zum einen auf die Beprobung der Sedimente und des Basements und zum anderen auf geophysikalische Untersuchungen in den Bereichen des Korridors, die aufgrund der Ergebnisse von SO105 als Schluesselbereiche identifiziert worden sind. Es sind folgende Untersuchungen geplant: 1) Segmentierung und Aktivitaetsschwankungen des Rueckensegmentes, abgleitet aus bathymetrischen Kartierungen. 2) Charakterisierung lokaler Einflussgroessen auf die Waermestromdichte. 3) Quantifizierung des advektiven Stofftransportes durch geochemische Untersuchungen des Porenwassers. 4) Chemische Variabilitaet von Basalten mit dem Krustenalter.
Das Projekt "Sichtung und Bewertung von neuen Entwicklungen im Bereich der Abdichtungs-, Sanierungs- und Entwaesserungstechnik bei Deponien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayerisches Landesamt für Umweltschutz durchgeführt. Ermittlung des neuesten Standes der Technik bei Abdichtung, Sanierung und Entwaesserung von Deponien.
Das Projekt "The effect of synoptic-scale wave breaking on cross tropopause transport and trace gas distribution" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre durchgeführt. The tropopause and the so-called tropopause inversion layer (TIL), which is a layer of high static stability act as a partly permeable barrier to trace gas exchange between the troposphere and the stratosphere. The tropopause region is of particular importance for climate. The processes which lead to the formation of the TIL and their role for stratosphere-troposphere-exchange (STE) and the chemical composition of the tropopause region are incompletely understood. Experiments with idealized models show that synoptic scale wave breaking in baroclinic life cycles leads to TIL formation. The dynamical conditions during such an event are favorable for STE and an irreversible constituent exchange across the tropopause. This project will constitute a novel approach to identify the effect of synoptic-scale wave breaking and TIL formation on STE combining idealized models and observations with statistical methods. For this purpose we will apply: (i) the same analysis methods for idealized models containing artificial tracers and trace gas observations (ii) aquaplanet simulations with a full chemical scheme and the physics of a global model, to identify the global effect of baroclinic life cycles on TIL formation and the related trace gas distribution.
Das Projekt "The predictability of atmospheric blocking in global ensemble prediction systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutscher Wetterdienst durchgeführt. Blocking is an atmospheric phenomenon which has major implications for local weather. It can lead to extremely high or low temperatures due to the long lasting almost stationary high pressure system. Furthermore, a block can exert a strong impact on upstream, in-situ and downstream synoptic weather patterns by disrupting the multitude westerly flow. Thereby, blocking can be the cause for severe precipitation anomalies in cut-off lows surrounding the high pressure system. The state of the art ensemble prediction systems (EPSs) which are part of the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) perform well in predicting the frequencies of Atlantic European and Pacific blocking but have difficulties in predicting the onset and the decay of blocking. The predictability of the onset is about 1 day worse than the predictability if the blocking is already specified in the initial conditions. Furthermore, the TIGGE ensemble prediction systems (EPSs) have problems in simulating the frequencies of Greenland and Ural blocking. This study is dedicated to investigate the dynamics of selected blocking events in the medium range, the monthly, and the seasonal ECMWF EPS. Two different clustering methods based on EOF/PC 3 analysis and one method based on ensemble analysis covariance will be applied to the EPSs. Links between different types of block formation or decay and large scale events like breaking Ross by waves or small scale diabetic processes like precipitation resulting from the advection of moist air masses will be investigated. Their roles in the life cycle of a blocking event will be compared. The same investigation methods will be applied to the TIGGE ensembles and to carry forward the results obtained for the medium range ECMWF EPS alone. Additionally, for two winter seasons and for a whole year scores and skill scores used at the ECMWF will be calculated and the predictive skill of the EPSs will be assessed with regard to blockings.
Das Projekt "Atmospheric Photooxidation of Oxygenated Organic Compounds: Products and Aerosol Formation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Wuppertal, Fachgruppe Chemie und Biologie, Arbeitsgruppe Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie durchgeführt. Field measurements have shown that oxygenated volatile organic compounds (oVOCs) are ubiquitous in the troposphere. Apart from emission into the atmosphere from biogenic and anthropogenic sources, oVOCs are also formed in the atmosphere via the oxidation of hydrocarbons. The presence of oVOCs in the troposphere strongly influences key atmospheric processes, which regulate photochemical smog formation and can also affect the oxidising capacity of the troposphere on both regional and global scales. oVOCs are degraded in the atmosphere via reaction with the oxidant species OH, NO3, O3 and to a lesser extend in marine and some industrial environments by Cl atoms. Recent work has shown that the ozonolysis of unsaturated oVOCs can contribute to aerosol formation. Information on the reaction mechanisms of the OH, NO3, Cl and O3 initiated oxidation of many types of oVOCs is still very fragmentary. The project concentrates on extending the kinetic and product database for the reactions of OH, Cl and O3 with selected oVOCs. The compounds to be investigated are unsaturated and saturated acids, esters and amides. This information will be used to construct atmospheric degradation schemes for the compounds due the reactions with OH and O3. Such schemes can be implemented into CTM models to assess potential atmospheric impacts of the compounds such as their contributions to the formation of tropospheric ozone.
Das Projekt "Leichte Solarpanele aus amorphem Silizium" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Physikalische Elektronik durchgeführt. Objective: New process route for lightweight, unbreakable and economically feasible solar panels on the basis of amorphous silicon. Results: From a number of canditates enamel-coated steel sheet as substrate and an organic barrier as protective layer was chosen as an alternative to the dual glass panels. Criteria were vacuum compatibility, surface rougness and insulating properties. This concept requires that the production order of the thin film solar cell is reversed into back electrode, active stack, front transparent electrode. Inverted processes and low temperature processes were investigated in parallel. Protection against damage due to permeating water was reduced with an improved organic barrier coating. Also, less vulnerable back electrode materials were studied. Fluorine doped tin oxide, tin-doped indiumoxide and aluminium-doped zinc oxide were studied. However, the best and most economical results were optained with ITO. For monolithic integration mechanical masking and laser scribing were investigated. Mechanical masking failed due to the uneveness of the enamel surface. Laser scribing is possible due to the diminished power need with each consecutive layer. Some concepts for better light capture (texturing, optical coatings) were investigated. Based on the inverted process route small scale and full scale panels were manufactured and tested. Ultimately, the full scale failed due to the built-up of stress which caused delamination and could not sufficiently be reduced. The panel costs of the new route proved very similar to the existing product, but required an additional investment in vacuum deposition equipment. Surprisingly, ITO with recycling proved to be the most cost effective transparent electrode material.
Das Projekt "Energiesparende Hochtemperatur-Waermepumpe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von York International GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: To test the use of a commercially available high-temperature heat pump from BBC-YORK in a crystallisation process. General Information: High-temperature heat-pumps can save substantial primary energy, but they still need to overcome a few hurdles before gaining wider acceptance. These are: - high investment cost - too little knowledge of properties of cooling media and lubricants, at high temperature - lack of proof of reliability - lack of experience with scaling or crust-forming media, such as in crystallisation. To answer these doubts, a demonstration project will be built in Ladenburg, Germany, in the chemical plant Benckiser-Knapsack GmbH. The current crystallisation process requires an input of 860 kg/hr of 110 deg C steam. After crystallisation, vapours of approx. 70 deg C and 0.32 bar are released. They are pumped, condensed and then let-off in the atmosphere. In the new system, a heat pump will provide the necessary heat input using the refrigerant R-114 as heat carrier (R-114 has a liquefaction temperature of 116 deg C). Sufficient 70 deg C saturated steam is available as heat source and the vaporisation temperature of R-114 is set at approximately 64 deg C. The condenser in the heat pump is operated electrically. The R-114 circuit works as follows: The refrigerant R-114 is pumped in gas form from the tubular evaporator by a piston-type condenser which compresses it. A regulator then decompresses the R-114 from the 116 deg C liquifying temperature to the 64 deg C vaporisation temperature. Solid particles which cannot be eliminated by the steam will gradually scale the piping system and this will require regular cleaning but as the plant cannot be stopped, a dual piping must be built so that the flow can simply be diverted into one system while the other is being cleaned.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 89 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 89 |
License | Count |
offen | 89 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 89 |
Englisch | 21 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 56 |
Webseite | 33 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 70 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 66 |
Luft | 55 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 89 |
Wasser | 77 |
Weitere | 89 |