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REST (ESRI ArcGIS FeatureAccess) - CROSSDATA_DE_24_Siedl-Struktur__RP_Sídelní_struktura

Im Dienst sind regionalplanerische Festlegungen des Komplexes Raumnutzung Rohstoffe für die deutsch-tschechische grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit der Planungsbehörden dargestellt. Der Dienst enthält im Endzustand Daten der Planungsregionen Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge, Region Chemnitz und Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien. Entsprechend des Landesentwicklungsplanes als fachübergreifendes Gesamtkonzept zur räumlichen Entwicklung, Ordnung und Sicherung des Freistaates Sachsen stellen die Regionalpläne einen verbindlichen Rahmen für die räumliche Entwicklung, Ordnung und Sicherung des Raumes dar. Die rechtsverbindlichen Pläne werden in der Regel im Maßstab 1:100.000 erstellt.

WMS - CROSSDATA_DE_24_Siedl-Struktur__RP_Sídelní_struktura

Im Dienst sind regionalplanerische Festlegungen des Komplexes Raumstruktur für die deutsch-tschechische grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit der Planungsbehörden dargestellt. Der Dienst enthält im Endzustand Daten der Planungsregionen Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge, Region Chemnitz und Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien. Entsprechend des Landesentwicklungsplanes als fachübergreifendes Gesamtkonzept zur räumlichen Entwicklung, Ordnung und Sicherung des Freistaates Sachsen stellen die Regionalpläne einen verbindlichen Rahmen für die räumliche Entwicklung, Ordnung und Sicherung des Raumes dar. Die rechtsverbindlichen Pläne werden in der Regel im Maßstab 1:100.000 erstellt.

Evaluation of the Radioactivity Release Event in December 2003 at Yonggwang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5

Das Projekt "Evaluation of the Radioactivity Release Event in December 2003 at Yonggwang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Institut. Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V. durchgeführt.

1. die event bei WGRI-2 zum 'Schutzgebiete-Modul'

Das Projekt "1. die event bei WGRI-2 zum 'Schutzgebiete-Modul'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesamt für Naturschutz durchgeführt.

Grey water treatment in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor

Das Projekt "Grey water treatment in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. In ecological sanitation, the wastewater is considered not only as a pollutant, but also as a resource for fertiliser, water and energy and for closing water and nutrients cycles (Otterpohl et. al., 1999; Otterpohl et. al., 2003; Elmitwalli et al. 2005). The ecological sanitation based on separation between grey and black water (and even between faeces and urine), is considered a visible future solution for wastewater collection and treatment. Grey water, which symbolises the wastewater generated in the household excluding toilet wastewater (black water), represents the major volume of the domestic wastewater (60- 75 percent) with low content of nutrients and pathogens (Otterpohl et. al., 1999; Jefferson et al., 1999; Eriksson et al., 2002). Most of grey-water treatment plants include one or two-step septic-tank for pre-treatment (Otterpohl et al., 2003). The grey-water treatment needs both physical and biological processes for removal of particles, dissolved organic-matters and pathogens (Jefferson et al., 1999). Recently, many researchers have studied the grey-water treatment either by application of high-rate aerobic systems, like rotating biological contactor (Nolde, 1999), fluidised bed (Nolde, 1999), aerobic filter (Jefferson et al., 2000), membrane bioreactor (Jefferson et al., 2000), or by application of low-rate systems, like slow sand filter (Jefferson et al., 1999), vertical flow wetlands (Otterpohl et. al., 2003). Although high-rate anaerobic systems, which are low-cost systems, have both physical and biological removal, no research has been done until now on grey water in these systems. The grey water contains a significant amount (41 percent) of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the domestic wastewater (Otterpohl et al., 2003) and this amount can be removed by the highrate anaerobic systems. Although high-rate anaerobic systems have been successfully operated in tropical regions for domestic wastewater treatment, the process up till now is not applied in lowtemperature regions. The COD removal is limited for domestic wastewater treatment in high-rate anaerobic systems at low temperatures and, therefore, a long HRT is needed for providing sufficient hydrolysis of particulate organic (Zeeman and Lettinga, 1999; Elmitwalli et al. 2002). The grey water has a relatively higher temperature (18-38 degree C), as compared to the domestic wastewater (Eriksson et al. 2002), because the grey water originates from hot water sources, like shower (29 degree C), kitchen (27-38 degree C) and laundry (28-32 degree C). Therefore, high-rate anaerobic systems might run efficiently for on-site grey water treatment, even in low-temperature regions. The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor is the most applied system for anaerobic domestic waster treatment. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to study the feasibility of application of UASB reactor for the treatment of grey water at low and controlled (30 degree C) temperatures.

Sub project: Seismic site characterization of the proposal ICDP drilling project in the Baza Basin (Southern Spain)

Das Projekt "Sub project: Seismic site characterization of the proposal ICDP drilling project in the Baza Basin (Southern Spain)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. The intra-mountain Baza Basin in Southern Spain is the largest of the Late Neogene continental basins of the Betic Cordillera. It provides an up to 2.5 km thick archive of lacustrine and ancillary continental deposits from the Late Miocene to Middle Pleistocene. Infilling of the Baza Basin proceeded mainly by deposition of fine-grained deposits arranged in concentric facies belts in a lake complex. The expansion and contraction of these nested paleoenvironments serve as highly sensitive indicators of climate change which makes the Baza Basin a unique site for an integrated paleoclimate-oriented study of the last 7Ma of SE Europe. The planned LARSEI drilling project (LAcustrine Record of SE Iberia; submitted pre-proposal to ICDP) proposes to drill the Baza evaporitic basin in order to establish a realistic paleo-climatic record through the final Neogene (including the entire Pliocene) that very likely reflects regional events in the western Mediterranean as well as global climate milestones. Prerequisite for the drilling activities is the profound knowledge of the basin structure and local zones of neo-tectonic deformation, mainly related to the Baza fault bounding the basin to the West. We propose to aquire seismic multichannel profiles providing high-resolution images of the basin and related structural units (i.e. faults). The results of these measurements will both help to guide the drilling activities (including drilling site selection; presite study) and to better understand the structure and evolution of the Baza basin.

Solar Steam Reforming of Methane Rich Gas for Synthesis Gas Production (SOLREF)

Das Projekt "Solar Steam Reforming of Methane Rich Gas for Synthesis Gas Production (SOLREF)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. Project main goals: The main purpose of this project is to develop an innovative 400 kWth solar reformer for several applications such as Hydrogen production or electricity generation. Depending of the feed source for the reforming process CO2 emissions can be reduced significantly (up to 40 percent using NG), because the needed process heat for this highly endothermic reaction is provided by concentrated solar energy. A pre-design of a 1 MW prototype plant in Southern Italy and a conceptual layout of a commercial 50 MWth reforming plant complete this project. Key issues: The profitability decides if a new technology has a chance to come into the market. Therefore several modifications and improvements to the state-of-the-art solar reformer technology will be introduced before large scale and commercial system can be developed. These changes are primarily to the catalytic system, the reactor optimisation and operation procedures and the associated optics for concentrating the solar radiation. For the dissemination of solar reforming technology the regions targeted are in Southern Europe and Northern Africa. The potential markets and the impact of infrastructure and administrative restrictions will be assessed. The environmental, socio-economic and institutional impacts of solar reforming technology exploitation will be assessed with respect to sustainable development. The market potential of solar reforming technology in a liberalised European energy market will be evaluated. Detailed cost estimates for a 50 MWth commercial plant will be determined.

AURORa - Investigation of the Radar Backscatter of Rain Impinging on the Ocean Surface

Das Projekt "AURORa - Investigation of the Radar Backscatter of Rain Impinging on the Ocean Surface" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Institut für Meereskunde (IfM) durchgeführt. Over land, observations of rain rates are more or less operational. To obtain information about precipitation at the coastal zones, weather radars are used. However, over the oceans, especially away from the main shipping routes, no direct precipitation measurements are performed. In these regions, satellite data can provide information about precipitation events. Satellites deploying passive and active microwave sensors can operate independently of cloud cover and time of day. Passive microwave sensors give crude estimates of rain rates over large areas but cannot resolve small-scale rain events of short duration as are often observed in the tropics, for example. Active microwave sensors with high resolutions, such as synthetic aperture radars can provide more reliable information. Though the effect of rain on the atmosphere is a very topical area of research, the radar backscattering mechanisms at the water surface during rain events combined with wind are still not well understood. The purpose of this project is to investigate the radar backscattering from the water surface in the presence of rain and wind in order to interpret satellite radar data produced by active microwave sensors. Furthermore, the results should be embedded into models of the radar backscattering from the water surface to allow for estimating rain rates by using satellite data. Research topics: Rain impinging on a water surfaces generates splash products including crowns, cavities, stalks and secondary drops, which do not propagate, and ring waves and subsurface turbulence. We are investigating this phenomena at the wind-wave tank of the University of Hamburg. The tank is fitted with an artificial rain simulator of 2.3 m2 area mounted 4.5 m over the water surface. Rain drops of 2.1 and 2.9 mm in diameter with rain rates up to 100 mm/h have been produced. Wind with speeds 10 m/s and monomolecular slicks act on the water surface. The influence of the rain on the water surface is measured with a resistance type wire gauge, a two dimensional laser slope gauge and an coherent 9.8 GHz (x band) continuous wave scatterometer operating at VV-, HH- and HV-polarization. The influence of rain below the water surface is measured with colored raindrops which are observed with a video camera to investigate the turbulent motion and the depth of the mixed layer. At the North Sea Port of Buesum in Germany, a scatterometer operating at all polarizations and five frequencies will be mounted during summer of this year. The radar backscatter of the sea surface during rain events will be measured in combination with meteorological observations. With help of these measurements, existing radar backscatter models of the water surface will be improved for the presence of rain events. To validate the improved models, ERS-2 SAR-images will be compared with weather radar data.

Further treatment of digested blackwater for extraction of valuable components and conversion to dry matter

Das Projekt "Further treatment of digested blackwater for extraction of valuable components and conversion to dry matter" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. Phosphorus and nitrogen are valuable and should not be wasted or even worse recycled to the environment. An important resource in the sludge is nutrients which can be utilized through using sludge as fertilizer in the agriculture. Wastewater and excreta contain valuable nutrients that can be used in agriculture and aquaculture. Most of the nutrients, like phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N), that a person consumes end up in the excreta. Nutrients are needed in developing countries as much as developed ones. Therefore, they should not be wasted. In nature there is no waste, all products of living things are used as raw materials by others (Esrey et al, 1998). Ecological sanitation systems (also called ecosan') are closed-loop systems, which treat human excreta as a resource. In this system, excreta are processed on site until they are free of pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms. Afterwards, sanitized excreta are recycled by using them for agricultural purposes. Key features of ecosan are therefore: - prevention of pollution and disease caused by human excreta; - treatment of human excreta as a resource rather than as a waste product; and - recovery and recycling of the nutrients. The problem of nutrient recovery from municipal sewage or excess sludge is not a new problem. In the literature, several papers have addressed the recovery of ammonia or phosphate from industrial and domestic wastewater, but not much with black water. So far many attempts have been made to control the process of self-deposition and recover nutrients as a fertilizer, which can be used directly for agricultural purposes as ecological sanitation advises. The aim of this research project is to find out further treatment methods of digested black water for extraction of valuable nutrients and convert them to dry matter and find solutions for dense urban areas and make usable compounds easier transportable.

New Multi-HAzard and MulTi-RIsK Assessment MethodS for Europe (MATRIX)

Das Projekt "New Multi-HAzard and MulTi-RIsK Assessment MethodS for Europe (MATRIX)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. Objective: Across Europe, people suffer losses not just from single hazards, but also from multiple events in combination. In both their occurrence and their consequences, different hazards are often causally related. Classes of interactions include triggered events, cascade effects, and rapid increases of vulnerability during successive hazards. Effective and efficient risk reduction, therefore, often needs to rest on a place-based synoptic view. MATRIX will tackle multiple natural hazards and risks in a common theoretical framework. It will integrate new methods for multi-type assessment, accounting for risk comparability, cascading hazards, and time-dependent vulnerability. MATRIX will identify the conditions under which the synoptic view provides significantly different and better results or potentially worse results than established methods for single-type hazard and risk analysis. Three test cases (Naples, Cologne and the French West Indies), and a virtual city will provide MATRIX with all characteristic multi-hazard and multi-risk scenarios. The MATRIX IT-architecture for performing, analysing and visualising relevant scenarios will generate tools to support cost-effective mitigation and adaptation in multi-risk environments. MATRIX will build extensively on the most recent research on single hazard and risk methodologies carried out (or ongoing) in many national and international research projects, particularly those supported by DG Research of the European Commission. The MATRIX consortium draws together a wide range of expertise related to many of the most important hazards for Europe (earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, wildfires, winter storms, and both fluvial and coastal floods), as well as expertise on risk governance and decision-making. With ten leading research institutions (nine European and one Canadian), we also include end-user partners: from industry, and from the European National Platforms for Disaster Reduction.

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