Das Projekt "ALPCHANGE - Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in südösterreichischen Hochgebirgsräumen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Fernerkundung und Photogrammetrie durchgeführt. ALPCHANGE beschreibt quantitativ die durch den Klimawandel verursachte Landschaftsdynamik in alpinen Regionen Südösterreichs. Dies geschieht durch die integrative und umfassende Analyse aus Beobachtungsdaten der vier Landschaftsparameter Permafrost, Gletscher, Schnee und Geomorphologie. Diese Parameter reagieren zeitlich unterschiedlich auf geänderte Umweltbedingungen und liefern so Informationen in verschiedenen Zeitebenen: Schnee unmittelbar, Gletscher und geomorphologische Strukturen innerhalb von Jahren bis Jahrzehnten bzw. Permafrost innerhalb von Jahrzehnten bis Jahrhunderten. Diese Zusammenhänge werden mittels eines umfassenden Monitoring-Netzwerkes in den Hohen Tauern durchgeführt zum ersten Mal in Südösterreich. Die Interdisziplinarität dieses Forschungsansatzes Glaziologie, Hochgebirgsgeographie, Geophysik, Atmosphärenphysik, Geologie versammelt viele nationale wie auch internationale Institutionen in einer Arbeitsgemeinschaft. Wissenschaftler verschiedener Institute an der Universität Graz bzw. der Technischen Universität Graz sind seit Jahrzehnten in den Forschungsbereichen Klima- und Umweltwandel aktiv. ALPCHANGE ist unter anderem auch aus jenen Initiativen entstanden, die zur Gründung des Wegener Zentrums für Klima und Globalen Wandel (WegCenter) führten.
Das Projekt "Asessing the potential of various instruments for sutainable consumption practises and greening of the market (ASCEE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) GmbH durchgeführt. The main objectives are : - to identify, structure and assess instruments addressing and promoting sustainable consumption and greening of the market; - to identify and evaluate best practice examples; - to develop policy strategies for transferring best practices; - to carry out a workshop; - to finalise insights by preparing a guideline for policy makers; - to prepare a scientific report and a summary. After a prephase connected with an internal kick-off meeting, the first phase analyses policy instruments, measures and actions and the gained experiences in WP 2 ' Basic instrumental overview . The instrumental overview is intended to be of a broader nature to collect insights into existing, but also discussed, proposed and/or rejected tools which have lead or could lead to a greening of the markets by addressing supply and/or demand. We will concentrate on promising tools and actions. The gained and collected information will be assessed along certain criteria developed beforehand in WP 3 'Assessment . WP 4 'Best practises and market transformation patterns will bring together the most instructive findings and consider what could be learned from them. The key question behind that approach is to look for the patterns behind successful greening strategies. The second phase is dedicated to the potentials for transferring of the results and their dissemination. WP 5 'Extension and transfer strategies picks up the results of the preceding work. It considers the findings and prepares strategies for the transfer of promising approaches. Results and proposals will be documented and discussed at a one-day workshop (WP 6 'Workshop ) which will collect insights, opinions and experiences of a broader auditorium. The discussion and results of the workshop will be documented and will contribute to the update of the preliminary findings. WP 7 'Dissemination brings together all findings and insights. Here we will prepare guidelines, a report, including a summary. Prime Contractor: Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung GgmbH; Berlin; Germany.
Das Projekt "Aalborg Commitments Tools and Resources (ACTOR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ICLEI - Local Goverments for Sustainability, Europasekretariat GmbH durchgeführt. The Aalborg Commitments were adopted by the delegates to the June 2004 Aalborg+10 Conference with the intention that these clearly targeted actions will support European local governments in their implementation of the Aalborg Charter agreed at the 1994 Aalborg Conference. The initial commitment by signatory local governments is to undertake a baseline review within 12 months and then to enter into a local target-setting process in consultation with citizens and stakeholders in order to develop within 24 months a local programme of action under the ten Commitment themes. The evolution of the Aalborg process has been taking place at the same time as the European Commission has been preparing the Urban Thematic Strategy (UTS). This is one of seven Thematic Strategies, which together comprise the European Community's 6th Environment Action Programme. The EU has agreed that the theme of sustainable development should underpin all EU actions and this, therefore, is the key organising principle for the UTS. The SSP Fourth Call for Proposals outlines the following the core objective for 3.5. Task 5 as the 'Development of a set of guidelines and tools for signatories to the Aalborg +10 Commitments agreed in June 2004'. ACTOR will therefore have as its principal aim the development of a web-based innovative Toolkit, and a Training Package to support and assist Aalborg Commitments signatories to make efficient and effective progress. This Toolkit will include a comprehensive package of materials that can be provided to new towns and cities once they have signed the Commitments. In association with the Toolkit, the project will involve the design of Training Package on the methodology and operationalisation of the Aalborg Commitments. The Project will actively involve Signatory local authorities and the European Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign Networks in developing and testing the Toolkit and Training Package. Prime Contractor: University of Northumbria at Newcastle; Newcastle Upon Tyne; United Kingdom.
Das Projekt "Progress - Promotion and Growth of Renewable Energy Sources and Systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung durchgeführt. The objectives of PROGRESS are to provide the European Commission with: - an updated analysis and assessment of the deployment of RES for electricity production and the progress achieved following the adoption of the RES-E directive. - An updated analysis and assessment of the deployment of RES for heat production and transport purposes and of the progress towards achieving the overall 12Prozent target. - Analysis and assessment of policy developments and how policies affect the development of RES, hereby an overview of administrative, grid and other relevant barriers. The analyses of the barriers will cover national, regional and local level. - Analysis of the status of guarantee of origin in Member States and a proposal of common rules. Project leader: Ecofys ( Netherland).
Das Projekt "Knowledge Assessment and Sharing on Sustainable Agriculture (KASSA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. durchgeführt. Conventional agriculture encompasses about half of the agricultural land territory of the UE countries; its negative impacts on the environment and the basic natural resources are recognised. Growing concerns of the society related to the environment deterioration such as water and food contaminations, livestock epidemics... compel to explore new ways able to improve the sustainability of the current farming systems. Alternative agricultural practices, technologies and approaches in support of sustainable agriculture have already been researched, developed, tested and implemented during the second half of the 20th century, in Europe but mainly in North and South America and Australia; they span million hectares. Learning from the results of theses experiences and researches and sharing lessons will undoubtedly contribute to define ways and tools able to orient European policy on sustainable agriculture development. KASSA proposal intends to build up a comprehensive knowledge base on sustainable agricultural practices, approaches and systems in support of European stakeholders: farmers and professionals, researchers and policy makers at local, national, European and global level. KASSA involves a critical mass of skilled partners dispatched up into four platforms: Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia and Latin America. It will be achieved through successive work sequences starting with a comprehensive inventory of existing results then continuing with a progressive refinement of the findings that alternate critical analysis and sharing of the results of each platform. Prime Contractor: Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement; Montpellier; France.
Das Projekt "Feasibility study on means of combating forest dieback in the European Union" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. All EU Member States face economic and ecological losses due to forest damages. Thus, combating forest dieback, as for example caused by climate change, is a contribution to human safety and well-being and the sustainable development of Europe. The Feasibility Study on means of combating forest dieback in the European Union was initiated by the European Parliament demanding the European Commission to develop a concrete proposal for preventing, mitigating and control forest dieback in the EU. The study was carried out by the Institute for World Forestry and the European Forest Institute (EFI) in 2007. The main objectives of the study were to: - review the different factors affecting forest dieback in the EU and their related causes, - analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of available EU legislations and instruments to combat forest dieback in the EU and - examine the possibilities for establishing a specialised entity for forest protection. In the scope of the feasibility study a survey was conducted in the EU Member States on the importance of damaging agents in EU27 forests. The results of the survey show that the importance of individual threats to forest ecosystem health and vitality varies within European regions. Insects, storm/windfall, and fire were regarded as the most serious threats in Central Europe, Western Europe and Southern Europe respectively. Regional differences exist in relation to damage types and intensity, which thus reflect the importance for particular instruments to prevent, mitigate and control various causes of forest dieback. The feasibility study showed that at the EU level several efficient and well established measures have been implemented which contribute to the prevention, mitigation and control of forest dieback. The study showed also that as a consequence of the current state and the predicted development of environmental pressures, such as climate change, future activities on the EU level to combat forest dieback are urgently needed. Existing measures have to be further developed in order to (a) increase synergy effects between individual instruments, (b) make the instruments more transparent to the entire range of potential stakeholders and beneficiaries, and (c) improve the communication between the different actors involved. A major challenge will be to incorporate future patterns of forest dieback, into existing, amended or new measures. Only the triad of prevention, mitigation and control will put the EU into a position to maintain and enhance the multiple, beneficial functions of forests and their contribution to the quality of life.
Das Projekt "Potential der Küstengewässer für Fischerei und Aquakultur" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie an der Universität Bremen durchgeführt. The specific objective was to prepare a detailed research and development proposal for the project themes identified within the Action Plan as discussed and approved by the Joint German-Indonesian Steering Committee on Marine Sciences and Geosciences during its 2nd meeting in Bremen, Germany in June 2001. The overall project theme as identified by the SC was Potential of Coastal Marine Ecosystems for Fisheries and Aquaculture. The ecosystems to be investigated included mangroves, coral reefs, estuaries and the coastal seas. The activities include meetings involving partners in science and industry related to prepare detailed proposals to be submitted to the respective ministries in Germany and Indonesia.
Das Projekt "CityNet - The network of European Research Projects on Integrated Urban Water Management: Assessing and Improving Sustainability of Urban Water Resources and Systems (AISUWRS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Karlsruhe, Geologisches Institut, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie durchgeführt. The CityNet project cluster consists of six individual 5 FWP projects and deals with the integrated aspects of water management in urban areas (water supply, sewerage, drainage) including their urban/rural interfaces (raw water sources, receiving waters, groundwater). The CityNet cluster consists of 47 research partners and 59 end-users, thus comprising a significant part of the European R&D capacity and implementation potential in urban water systems. This proposal for Accompanying Measures (AM) aims to widen and deepen the joint activities of the cluster partners with respect to three aspects of integration, i.e. (1) the urban water system and its water resources, (2) the necessary infrastructure for water supply, urban drainage and wastewater management, and (3) the socioeconomic aspects of urban water management. The overall scope of the AISUWRS initiative is to assess and improve the sustainability of urban water resources and systems with the help of computer tools. The project will analyse a range of existing urban water supply and disposal scenarios by demonstrating how each scenario differs in its handling of contaminants within different urban water systems and the potential effect of these contaminants on groundwater contamination. For the verification and validation of the models, detailed field studies are carried out in three European and one Australian case study city. In addition AISUWRS aims to develop also a management and Decision Support System to deliver detailed guidelines and recommendations for the safeguarding and protection of urban water resources.
Das Projekt "Bringing Energy Services to the Liberalised Markets" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Mit der Liberalisierung der Strom- und Gasmärkte in Deutschland und Europa werden vor allem wirtschaftliche Zielsetzungen verfolgt. Die Effizienz auf der Angebotsseite von Energie soll erhöht und Überkapazitäten abgebaut werden. Durch den Wettbewerb zwischen verschiedenen Anbietern sollen die Preise einer Einheit Energie für die Kunden sinken. Aber ein Wettbewerb um billige Kilowattstunden für ein zukunftsfähiges, also umweltfreundliches, ökonomisch effizientes und sozialverträgliches Energiesystem reicht nicht aus. Die Liberalisierung der Strom- und Gasmärkte hat nur die Hälfte des Wettbewerbs im Auge und 'vergisst die andere Hälfte: nämlich den Wettbewerb zwischen Energieangebot einerseits und der effizienteren Nutzung von Energie auf der Nachfrageseite andererseits. Durch Energieeffizienz können unsere Bedürfnisse - 'warme Wohnung, kühles Pils - mit geringerem Energieeinsatz verwirklicht werden. Meist ist Energieeffizienz auch billiger und daher sozialverträglicher als Energieverbrauch. Und für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz ist jede Einheit Energie, die nicht bereitgestellt werden muss und damit auch keine Emissionen verursacht, vorteilhaft. Ziel dieses Projekts war es daher zum einen, in den sieben beteiligten EU-Ländern und europaweit Informationen erstens zu Good Practice bei Energieeffizienzprogrammen und -dienstleistungen im liberalisierten Strom- und Gasmarkt sowie zweitens zu einem dafür förderlichen Ordnungsrahmen zu verbreiten. Zum anderen diente das Projekt auch der Organisation eines politischen Dialogs zwischen Regierungen, Regulierern, Energiewirtschaft und anderen Stakeholdern über den besten Weg zur Förderung der Energieeffizienz im liberalisierten Strom- und Gasmarkt und insbesondere über die von der Europäischen Kommission geplante Richtlinie über die Förderung der Energieeffizienz durch Energieunternehmen. Das Wuppertal Institut koordinierte das Projekt, das von der Europäischen Kommission, Generaldirektion Energie und Verkehr (SAVE-Programm) gefördert wird. Um sein Ziel zu erreichen, organisierte das Projekt neben einer Reihe von Publikationen insbesondere je einen Workshop in den teilnehmenden EU-Ländern sowie eine Konferenz in Brüssel im März 2003. Mit diesem Politikdialog und den Informationen wurden die Grundelemente der mittlerweile von der Kommission vorgeschlagenen Richtlinie für Endenergieeffizienz und Energiedienstleistungen vorbereitet.
Das Projekt "Background Criteria for the Identification of Groundwater Thresholds (BRIDGE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institut für Energieforschung, Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung (IEF-STE) GmbH durchgeführt. The Commission proposal of Groundwater Directive COM(2003)550 developed under Article 17 of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) sets out criteria for the assessment of the chemical status of groundwater, which is based on existing Community quality standards (nitrates, pesticides and biocides) and on the requirement for Member States to identify pollutants and threshold values that are representative of groundwater bodies found as being at risk, in accordance with the analysis of pressures and impacts carried out under the WFD. In the light of the above, the objectives of BRIDGE are: i) to study and gather scientific outputs which could be used to set out criteria for the assessment of the chemical status of groundwater, ii) to derive a plausible general approach, how to structure relevant criteria appropriately with the aim to set representative groundwater threshold values scientifically sound and defined at national river basin district or groundwater body level, iii) to check the applicability and validity by means of case studies at European scale, iv) to undertake additional research studies to complete the available data, v) and to carry out an environmental impact assessment taking into account the economic and social impacts. The project shall be carried out at European level, involving a range of stakeholders and efficiently linking the scientific and policy-making communities. Considering the requirement of the diary of the Groundwater Daughter Directive proposal, which implies that groundwater pollutants and related threshold values should be identified before December 2005 and listed by June 2006, the duration of the project should be 24 months. In that way the proposed research will contribute to provide research elements that will be indispensable for preparing discussions on further steps of the future Groundwater Directive. Prime Contractor: Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Service Analyse et Caracterisation Minerale, Paris FR
Origin | Count |
Bund | 57 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 57 |
License | Count |
offen | 57 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 57 |
Englisch | 56 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 36 |
Webseite | 21 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 51 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 53 |
Luft | 42 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 57 |
Wasser | 42 |
Weitere | 57 |